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Why I Coach: Varsity Wrestling Head Coach John Staudenmayer

FORT WASHINGTON -- John Staudenmayer recently began his third season as the Head Coach of vwin德赢娱乐's wrestling team. With the group having participated in three tournaments already, Staudenmayer gave some insight into why he coaches the sport.


I was a volunteer coach for a club when I was still in high school, 所以在这一点上, I kind of already knew that I was going to be coaching in some capacity. I was so invested in the sport that I just had to coach. 

Did your student-athlete experience influence your coaching style?

我不是在摔跤家庭长大的, so my brother and I didn’t have this expectation of being world champions. I knew I wanted to win a state title and I knew I wanted to wrestle in college, 所以它是, let’s work as hard as we possibly can and see how far we can take this thing. 

I think what I most emulate as a coach I learned from some of the best people that have ever come through the sport. I turned a corner when I realized I wanted to take it seriously, 所以当有人告诉我他们想做这个, 我现在可以带路了.


The coach at University of Arkansas at Little Rock right now, 尼尔·埃里森曼, was an assistant coach my junior and senior year of college at University of North Carolina, 他给了我这个优势. Another was Bryce Hasseman, and he gave me the crazy. So, Neil was the one who helped me learn to be laser focused and very intentional, and then Bryce was the one who helped me learn that sometimes you've got to go out there and be an animal. 

莫尔文预科学校的助理教练, Nate Wachter '99, 是GA历史上最伟大的摔跤手之一, and he was the first one who really taught me that it's okay to be a little different; it doesn't matter what anybody says, 技术就是技术, 结果不言自明. Everyone has given me something, but those are things that stand out for sure. 

How do you coach wrestlers of different skill levels?

I coach with my brother, and we have the same morals, standards, and expectations. 我们两个人在这里, it allows one of us to be with the more experienced group, and one of us to do the foundational work with the newer wrestlers. We try to pair up guys relative to their experience level so that even if they are 50 pounds apart, 他们在学习同样的东西. We don’t want to just throw them into deep waters right away. 


收获一种有趣的氛围, 我不会说不可能, but it is hard because if we stray away from the goal, 我们可以漂泊, 强度变得更低. We do games and things like dodgeball or competing in sprints to get the competitor out of them. Wrestling is a monotonous sport, and we talk about that a lot. 你几乎每天都练同样的东西, so you kind of know what practice is going to be like; you just don't know how intense it's going to be. Sometimes we dial it back and go slower, while other times we're asking a lot of them right away. 


我无法控制自己. As a wrestler, you are fully in control of the match, of the outcome, of what happens in your regard. 很明显, 其他人也在试图做同样的事情, 但作为教练, 一旦开始, 我什么也做不了. 所有其他教练在某些情况下都看到了这一点, 但只有一对一的时候, 你反对我, 你不能指望别人.