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STORY WRITTEN BY ANDREW ROBINSON, The Reporter - Dec. 18, 2023


Playing their third game in as many days, 爱国者队需要他们的整个轮转去做一些事情来对抗纪律严明的彭斯伯里队. The scoring was balanced, 防守是统一的,经验表明,GA以良好的状态结束了一个忙碌的周末.


“我认为我们今天把球转得很好,”佐治亚大学三年级学生杰斯·科勒茨基说,他是球队的比赛MVP. “We ran through our offenses with such good pace. They’re a great rebounding team and we kept them off the glass, I think we just played really well today.”

Germantown Academy (7-1) set the tone in the first quarter. Kolecki struck a three on the opening possession, 让爱国者队永远领先,但正是他们的防守努力让他们在一开始就保持了领先.

With Isabella Casey, who led GA with 12 points, 从防守开始,猎鹰队的高级球员索菲亚·维图奇和科勒茨基随后接手了这项任务, the Patriots limited Pennsbury (5-2, 3-1 SOL Patriot) to just four points in the opening eight minutes. Casey和Gabby Bowes是今年夏天的队友,他们的Lady running ' Rebels队赢得了HGSL 17U冠军, so there was already some familiarity there.

GA could have used the start time, 这是一个快速的转变,或者这是72小时内的第三款游戏, but none of those would have stood with this veteran group.

“Our intensity and our energy,” senior Jess Aponik said. “We bring it every day at practice. Even if we’re having a bad day, everyone picks each other up. We’re all best friends, 我们很亲密,在训练中互相支持和支持是一切的开始.”

彭斯伯里也有一群经验丰富的人猎鹰队也没倒下多久. 太阳队以12比10赢得了第二节,虽然这还不足以弥补整个差距, 这使它成为一个可控的7分洞,23-16,更重要的是告诉GA它不能放松.

首发五人中有三名大四学生和两名三年级学生,另外一名大四学生是替补球员, that wouldn’t have been likely.

Casey had nine of her 12 in the first half while Jess Aponik, a Kutztown recruit, 她在中场休息后得到了全部6分,而她的双胞胎妹妹詹娜在替补席上得到了7分.

“我们知道彭斯伯里在防守上真的很紧张,是一支很强的防守球队, so we worked on passing the ball and moving the ball quickly,” Jess Aponik said. “We wanted to get the best shot and not be settling for a random shot.”

在科勒茨基和阿波尼克的带动下,湖人拿下了第三节的前6分, putting the Patriots ahead 32-16 and prompting a Falcons timeout. 两队在本节剩下的时间里交换比分,进入第四节, 萨姆·韦德在比赛还剩5分55秒时扳回一球,vwin德赢娱乐以41:25领先.

“我们的进攻,我们可以做任何我们想做的事情,”科勒茨基说. “We can put someone in the post, put someone at the three, we can do it all and that makes us really hard to guard.”

Pennsbury came back with the next nine, 丹尼拉·麦克唐纳在这一波中投中两记三分,将比分扳回个位数. 在这一点上,爱国者队借鉴了彭斯伯里的经验,故意打球.

在Inter-Ac和PAISAA比赛中,爱国者队使用30秒的投篮时间. Against PIAA competition, 事实并非如此,但GA看起来很擅长计时,并在最后时刻等待合适的进攻.


科勒茨基说:“她带来了不同的能量,她在训练中给了我们很大的压力。. “她保持真实,她希望我们努力工作,这给我们的团队带来了一个新的水平.”

周日是GA的第六连胜,在12月9日以三分的优势落后于《vwin娱乐场官方》. 5.

“We had that game,” Aponik said. “Digging in, 打满四节是我们真正需要关注的事情,从那场比赛开始,然后进入本赛季剩下的比赛.”

Germantown Academy 44, Pennsbury 37
Germantown Academy 13 10 12 9 — 44
Pennsbury 4 12 7 14 — 37
Germantown Academy: Isabella Casey 12, Jess Kolecki 11, Jenna Aponik 7, Jess Aponik 6, Sam Wade 4, Gabby Bowes 4.